Atari Liberator Electrohome G07-CBO Caps

We perform a cap-kit and basic service on our Atari Liberator’s Electrohome G07-CBO.
Mario Kart Arcade Repair (SMD)

The 8-Bit Guy replaces a surface mount chip on a Mario Kart GP 2.
Terminator Salvation Arcade Repair

We repaired a Terminator Salvation arcade with a little 3D printing.
42″ LCD Arcade Monitor Repair

We repair a 42″ LCD arcade monitor with bad backlight.
Dynamo Firestorm Arduino Air Hockey Hack

Dynamo Firestorm air hockey tables modded to prevent error states.
Space Invaders Fun Fact

Did you know that the speed the invaders move at is actually a bug!
We Built a Mortal Kombat 1 Arcade

We built a custom Mortal Kombat 1 cabinet and it is awesome!