Where Do Arcades Come From?: Episode 2

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Starship Rift Arcade Podcast
Where Do Arcades Come From?: Episode 2

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Starship Rift Arcade Podcast Square Logo
Starship Rift Arcade Podcast
Where Do Arcades Come From?: Episode 2
“Mommy? Daddy? Where do arcade games come from?”
“It’s time we had a talk about the blips and bleeps….”
“…you see, when a Pac-Man and a Ms. Pac-Man love each other…”

But seriously, WHERE DO ARCADE GAMES COME FROM?! These 30 year old video game wonders just magically appear in your local arcade bar but you have no idea how they got there. You can’t just run down to the vintage arcade superstore and buy them, can you? Lets talk about it! Join us in our discussion of where we have found arcade machines and where you may be able to find them too.

The Arcade Wichita, KS – https://thearcadewichita.com/
Mike’s Amateur Monitor Repair: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC69FffuTsdjqEfLeodRNgtQ
Retrotink: https://www.retrotink.com/
Arcade 1UP: https://arcade1up.com/
M1K Arcade Cabinet Build: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soamH-PgTW8 
Arcade Owners/Operators Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/733155635065129  
Twin Galaxies: https://www.twingalaxies.com

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